Our Vision & Goals

To erect “Harvest Wellness Resource Community Development Center” at 312-N Second Street, Pinetops, NC. This building will allow us to host healthy eating workshops, address the needs of the unemployed and underemployed, sponsor Health Fairs and Job Fairs, activities for seniors, and operate a Thrift Store.


1. We plan to work with our Edgecombe Community College to sponsor special training classes and seminars. This project will begin 2022.


2. This center would enable us to sponsor the “Summer Youth Feeding Program” through FBCENC, Raleigh, NC. This program provides meals for children during the summer months.


3. We plan to operate a federal funded program entitled “Taking the Edge Off Youth Build” which addresses at risk youth from ages 16-24. The youth will receive academic training to complete their high school diploma or GED and receive skills training in construction or other regional demand occupations.


4. We plan to equip an exercise room for the community.


Because of the committed efforts and support of our volunteers, we sponsor a Volunteer Banquet each year in

December. We have the meal catered and the volunteers invite a quest. We recognize them with a certificate and a gift card. We could not survive without our dedicated volunteers.

During 2019, we purchased a cargo trailer to transport the food supplies from Raleigh. The House of Liberty

Church van normally transported the food supplies but due to onset of COVID 19 and increase in TEFAP, we

needed a second means to transport the food supplies. The House of Liberty Church donated land at 312 N Second Street, Pinetops, NC to relocate our Food Pantry from 104 W Burnett Street.

Pinetops Community

Center for two years.

During February 2021, we purchased a mobile office trailer to house the Food Pantry. We relocated during

April 2021. For four years we co-sponsored TOTS4TOTS with ITSDOABLE Inc. We served some 100 children for Christmas.

 We sponsored “Thanksgiving Turkey Give Away” for seniors, We distributed some 50 turkeys.

We co-hosted “BACK TO SCHOOL” events with ITSDOABLE Inc for three years, and