Our History
The Founder, Bishop Ardean Eason, while working in 2003 as a substitute teacher in the Edgecombe County School System, noticed that children were hungry, and their only meal was received at school. Additionally, her mother-in-law, (85 years old) was ill with cancer and was unable to prepare her own meals. The only meals that she would get were in the morning before her children when to work and in the evening when they returned from work. This touched and burdened the heart of Bishop Eason, and the vision to ensure that children, families, and the elderly would receive a nutritious meal was birthed.
During 2008, we had our humble beginning in the kitchen of a retired cafeteria manager, Mrs.Dorothy Dickens, who prepared home cooked meals for ten senior citizens for five years, and our oldest patron was 92 years old. Later, we partnered with a local restaurant (Abrams, Pinetops,NC) to purchase nutritious meals to feed the elderly. During October 2012, we secured space at 104 W Burnett Street, Pinetops, NC to launch our Food Bank to meet “food insecurity and nutritional needs” for women and children, families, and seniors. TFM, a partner of Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC, Raleigh, NC, (FBCENC) has been present in Edgecombe County for ten years. During May 2021, we relocated to 312 N Second Street, Pinetops, NC, and we serve 200 families monthly.
TFM CDC Inc addresses the “food insecurity and nutritional needs” for individuals, homeless, seniors, veterans, families, women and children, and people with disabilities through our Food Bank. The food bank is in rural Edgecombe County and situated approximately one hour from the State’s capitol of Raleigh, NC. Currently, we are serving an average of 100 families biweekly. The Food Bank is opened bi-weekly on Thursdays. We are totally supported by our Board of Directors and 15 committed and loyal volunteers. Our patrons share that they appreciate the quality of food that our Food Bank distributes